Come to worship at St. Hilary’s. It is the best way to understand what shapes our life of faith, and how your own spiritual needs might be fulfilled.
Our prayer reflects and informs what we believe. As a community of Christian faith we gather as baptized people around the Eucharist on Sunday mornings. Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” It is in the spirit of thanksgiving that we gather from the various preoccupations of our lives to be reminded of God’s presence, and to learn more about what Jesus Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension means for the world.
Join Us On Sundays
8:30 a.m.
- This is a quiet, meditative, and reflective service of worship with readings, a sermon, and the Eucharist.
10:30 a.m.
Sung Eucharist.
- This is a service of worship with music.
- There usually are activities for children and youth at 10:30 during the school year. The children and young people enter worship as we exchange the Peace of Christ to join in the celebration of The Eucharist.
- If you feel you would like to contribute a musical talent to our worship, speak to our Music Director, Keith Scott. Together we can explore how you could best integrate musical expression into our worship.
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Download this week's 10.30am bulletin
Come to worship at St. Hilary’s. It is the best way to understand what shapes our life of faith, and how your own spiritual needs might be fulfilled.
Our prayer reflects and informs what we believe. As a community of Christian faith we gather as baptized people around the Eucharist on Sunday mornings. Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” It is in the spirit of thanksgiving that we gather from the various preoccupations of our lives to be reminded of God’s presence, and to learn more about what Jesus Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension means for the world.
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Services Here
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There are few moments in one’s life as holy as the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. At St. Hilary’s we welcome all who wish to come as adults or as parents bringing their children to receive this crucial sacrament of the Church. We wish to help individuals and families understand this sacrament and to prepare them to receive it.
Christian Education
If you want to learn more about the church, worship, the Bible, or growing in your own Christian faith, let us know. We welcome seekers, visitors, and people with questions. Click here for some upcoming educational opportunities.
Confirmation, Re-affirmation, or Reception into the Anglican Communion can be important milestones in your journey of Christian faith. Please speak to the clergy on Sunday to inquire about which might be appropriate for you and see how St Hilary’s can support you.